Welcome to the Lynnrin-AOSP wiki!

You can find various information, how-tos, build instructions and much more here in our wiki.

For users

Get LineageOS!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? See our FAQ.

Report bugs!

For everyone

Contribute to the wiki!

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Build for your device!

  • Every officially-supported device has a comprehensive set of build instructions. Simply choose your device from our list of supported devices to get started.


We even have a nice list of how-tos, for inquisitive souls.

For developers


  • To contribute, you’ll need to be able to produce builds for your device. Pick your device from our list of supported devices to get started.
  • Once you’re successfully running your own build, you can begin to make your changes. All the apps included in LineageOS can be found in packages/apps, and core parts of the system can be found in frameworks/base.
  • Once you’ve finished making your change, simply follow our guide on submitting to Gerrit.

Submit your port!

  • If you unofficially maintain a device, and think it’s good enough to go live, follow our instructions on submitting a port. One of our developer relations staff will reach out to you, and we’ll work to get the ball rolling on official builds for your device.


Enhance your apps with new Lineage-specific APIs using the LineageOS platform SDK.

Wiki contents

You can view all current pages here.